Buddy’s Fault Lines Exclusive Video Premiere today on Wondering Sound




Video Premiere: Buddy, “Fault Lines”

Wondering Sound Staff

By Wondering Sound Staff

on 09.17.14 in News

Buddy first endeared themselves to me when I glanced through their Bandcamp page and noticed the tag “wimpycore.” The L.A. band’s sense of humor was simply an added bonus once I hit play and discovered the glistening pop tempos and soothing harmonies they had to offer. They’re at their brightest on “Fault Lines,” which comes to us from Buddy’s latest record, Last Call For The Quiet Life. A ticking time bomb, the track starts slow with minimalist guitar and piano chord structures until it crashes into wavy synths and harsher drum beats. The video is a colorful compilation of rowdy youngsters in the ‘60s dancing the night away doing the twist. Watch those crazy kids’ moves nearly (but not quite) match up with the melodies in “Fault Lines” below.